Roberts, Ph.D.

Roberts, B.A.

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Soul-Mate Counseling
(private sessions)

Soul-Mate Counseling is intended to strengthen the bond between two people who are committed to one another and the long-term success of their relationship. It is not about exposing “deep, dark secrets" from the past, nor is it about religious obligations or marriage counseling in the sense of working out problems in a damaged relationship. Think of it as an investment in the long-term welfare of a priceless, irreplaceable asset: a happy, lifelong relationship!

Consistent with the mission of the Pneuma Center, this service is offered as a premarital counseling and education program for couples who may not share a common religious heritage or do not wish to be lectured about fulfilling religious obligations, perhaps by someone who has never personally experienced a long-term soul-mate relationship.

Our programtitled The Soul-Mate Journeyconsists

of two, 2-hour sessions that are conducted in a relaxed, private setting. The sessions are guided by a husband and wife team who knows what a successful, happy, lifelong relationship means from personal experience, above and beyond their extensive formal education.

The sessions are supported by a workbook and a "communication styles" assessment. Also, there is ample opportunity to deal with issues that are specific to your relationship in a frank and open discussion.

Here is an outline of a typical set of issues the sessions will focus on:

> What it really means to be soul-mates for life
> Styles, habits, and annoyances
> Expectations, assumptions, and priorities in your relationship
> Must-haves and must-not-haves
> Shared and non-shared values and beliefs
> Family matters
- mine, yours, and ours
> How to handle outside interference
> How to effectively communicate your concerns
> Working through conflict and disagreement
> Words of wisdom on sex, money, and careers
> Keeping the romance alive

Couples who do not share a common religious heritage may face special challenges in their relationship. If this describes the two of you, we encourage you to read our blog on this subject. Click here to read.

Pneuma Center also offers adjustment counseling for new parents and parents-to-be.

Click here for details.

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Checklist for Choosing an Officiant
Considerations in Selecting a Wedding Facility

Link to USA Today article on Premarital Education

Pneuma Center
Concord, NH
Phone: 603-230-2422
Email: info@pneumacenter.com